pspWxp : Complete Guide

Wednesday, July 25, 2007

1. Download pspWxp from this LINK

2. Extract the zip file that you get into a folder named pspWxp (Ideally it should not matter what ever is the name of the folder )

3. Paste this folder in the root of the Memory Stick. i.e. in the top most level. (not inside MP_ROOT) , this is because you don’t have to unnecessarily have to type in a long path in your browser.

4. Open your web browser.

5. Enter the address as following “ file:/pspWxp/index.html "

6. Load the page, this should begin running the pspWxp on your psp.

7.Press Triangle to hide the browser's toolbars (press triangle again to show it)

8. Their are points where you are asked whether you want to run the embedded plug-in in the page, say YES.

9. There is also a option in the pspWxp homepage, where a automatic installer is available, so you could skip step two by using this.

Instructions on using pspWxp, once loaded is as follows

For Opening a program on the desktop
--> Using the analog stick, move the cursor over the program icon
--> Press X

For Opening the Start menu
--> Use the analog stick to move the cursor over the Start button
--> Press X

For Opening a program or submenu in the start menu
--> Follow the steps above to open the start menue
--> Move the cursor over the program/submenu name/icon
--> Press X

Copyright © Dennis D Maliekal
Look at the main page of the blog for more on the PSP & Other Stuff, the link to main page is THIS


The iPhones’s are Vulnerable !!! Safari exploit gives hackers complete control over the iPhone.

Monday, July 23, 2007

The most awaited phone of the year. People queued up for it, like they would never lay their hands on the gadget, if they weren’t the first at the crack of dawn to get hold of the IPhone ….

So what have we here???? The a vulnerable piece of hardware, whose creators boasted of more than 200 patents tagged to the device .. Mr. Jobs !!!! 200 !!! & of all things the Browser’s gotta give way

The vulnerability is thanks to the Safari Exploit, which allows the iPhone to run malicious scripts on the phone. The browser has a feature to automatically execute a file, when the extension of the file is “safe”. These files could be inside ziped archive. Now all the hacker does is rename his script to a .safe extension & viola the script is executed.

Once in the phone, the hacker’s got complete administrative access over the phone. Nothing seems to be safe once that’s been granted to the hacker. Robbing the phone of the SMS log, e-mail & other passwords stored on the phone, address book, the complete log of the Calls. Loads of stuff that I would not like someone to steal of my phone .

Apple’s been notified of this & we hope to get some response real soon .. Till then have a look at the safety tips that apple has posted when dealing with mail attachments. The link, CLICK HERE

Look at the main page of the blog for more on the iPhone & Other Cool Stuff, the link to main page is THIS


Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows leaked

Wednesday, July 18, 2007

Yup , it’s true a photographed version of the Deathly Hallows is out today on the net. I did read the entire copy, but I guess I’ll still buy the book this Saturday :-)

So the spoilers !!!! Naaaahh … I’m not going to tell you, I would be such a kill joy if I did. I guess you would never probably come to my blog again too if do mention it.

Some facts about the last book that’s been leaked.
-->> The size of the JPEG images is around 75 MB !!!

-->> The last word is not scar (or at least this is what I know)

-->> The last line of the book is this "The scar had not pained Harry for nineteen years. All was well."

-->> The First chapter is “The Dark Lord Ascending”

-->> Page 344 & 345 of the book talks about the actual scenario where James and Lilly Potter are murdered.

-->> The first line in Page 344 is “ Hold him off, without a wand in his hand! … He laughed before casting the curse …
“ Avada Kedavra…”

-->> Snape was never a bad guy ;-0

-->> Snape was deeply in love with Lilly Potter (Harry's Mother)

-->> The last Chapter before the Epilouge is " The Flaw in the Plan "

-->> Harry calls Voldemort "Riddlle" in the Final battle. Just the way dumbeldore addressed Voldemort.

-->> The Epilouge is " Nineteen Years Latter"

-->> Lupin & Tongs are killed

-->> Harry Survies the Killing curse for the Second Time ( But that does not mean the third is safe ;-0 )

-->> I would love to tell you who died & how "HE" died... But noooo , i'm stopping :)

Ok lemme stop or I’ll end up spoiling the fun ;-)

Hold tight guys, 21 July is just 2 days away :-) You could just buy the book then :-)

Look at the main page of the blog for more on Harry Potter & Other Stuff, the link to main page is THIS


PSP Slim A.K.A PSP 2001

I wanted to blog about this the very day the news was out, but then I decided to wait a lil longer to know more about the new guy in the block.

The PSP Lite … The name says it all. It’s the sleek, slim & sexy new version of the PSP :-) What’s new in the PSP Slim. It’s slim, that the new :-) Ok … So what else is new???

1) It’s got a less complex UMD door

2) The Wi-fi switch is shifted to the top (next to the UMD drive door)

3) It’s got a TV Out ( Now I love this device )

4) It’s probably gonna run the 3.60 FW version on it.

5) It's gonna be 33% lighter

6) It's 19% slimmer

7) It's gonna have 2 times the original RAM

8) A lot more colors to choose from

I had a chance to get my hands on the User Manual of the PSP Lite. Here’s the link [Click here]

It’s seems pretty much the same as the original PSP, except for the new features that I mentioned above.

Look at the main page of the blog for more on the PSP & Other Stuff, the link to main page is THIS


55 Ways to Have Fun With Google

Tuesday, July 10, 2007

Google seems to be the essence of the life when it comes to searching on the web. I happened to have a look at this site, which has a book that gives you an insight as to how to have fun with Google.

Philipp Lenssen, the author has this to say on his site …

“You probably use Google everyday, but do you know... the Google Snake Game? Googledromes? Memecodes? Googlesport? The Google Calculator? Googlepark and Google Weddings? Google hacking, fighting and rhyming? In this book, you’ll find Google-related games, cartoons, oddities, tips, stories and everything else that’s fun. Reading it, you won’t be the same searcher as before!”

The best part about this book is the , PDF version is free to download. The link to the Site is THIS.

The Chapters of the book is as follows.
1. Egogoogling: Susan Is...
2. The Google Snake Game
3. Memecodes: Survival of the Fittest Web Pages
4. The Google Irritation Game, and the Google Image Quiz
5. Googling Proverbs
6. Browsing Images of a Site
7. A Brief History of Googlesport
8. What is Google, and what do people consider fun about it?
9. How Much Time Google Saves Us
10. Google Cookin’ a Lemon Chicken
11. Douglas Adams and the Google Calculator
12. Oops, I Googled Again
13. The Disappearing Google Logo, a Magic Trick
14. Fun With Google Maps, the Wiki Way
15. Dave Gorman’s Googlewhack
16. Google Q&A
17. Celebrate Google Non-Weddings, and More
18. Design Your SketchUp Dream House
19. Kevin Bacon and the Google Network
20. The Google Alphabet
21. Google Search Tips
22. Googlepark
23. Googleshare
24. The Shortest Google Search (and the One Returning the Most Results)
25. Google Rotated and Mini Google
26. The Google Quiz: How Much Do You Know About Google?
27. Recreate Google From Memory
28. The Strange World of Google News
29. Aliens Attack Google!
30. Top Ten Signs You Are Addicted to Google
31. Dig a Hole Through Earth
32. Googlebombing
33. Google Ads Gone Wrong
34. Life in the Age of Google
35. Google Hacking
36. Googlepolls: Ask the Crowd
37. Googlefights
38. What If Google Was Evil? Plus: Five Inventions of the Google Future
39. The Google Adventure Game
40. Egobot, Voice of the Web
41. Fun Google Gadgets
42. Forty-Two, or: A Science-Fiction Interlude
43. The Google Book of World Records
44. Spelling Errors Galore
45. Google Groups, Time Machine
46. Growing a Google Word
47. Most Popular Words, and PopSents
48. Create Google Poetry, Prose, and Collages
49. Funny Google Videos
50. The Realplayer Fish, or: Telling a Story in Synonyms
51. Google Parodies
52. The Google Images Prediction Trick
53. Fun With Google Translations
54. The Giant Google Painting
55. Googledromes

Have Fun Googling :-)

Look at the main page of the blog for more on Google & Other Cool Stuff, the link to main page is THIS


Multiple Instances of Google Talk On The Same Machine At The Same Time

Friday, July 06, 2007

Google Talk allows you to run only one instance of it, at a time on a single PC. There are times when we have multiple Google accounts and basically wanna run 2 or more instances of Google Talk on the same machine.

The simple and effective way to do it is by not enabling a mutex when Gtalk is started in the first instance.

The method to do it

1) Left Click your mouse on the desktop to bring up the contextual window.

2) Highlight the new option.

3) A Sub menu comes up, where you would find a menu item called Shortcut

4) Click on it.

5) Now a window pops up & there would be a text field that you would need to fill, this basically is the location of Google Talk on your machine.

6) If you can find the exe on your machine great, or else paste the following text

7) "C:\ Program Files\Google\Google Talk\googletalk.exe" /nomutex

8) I am assuming that you have installed Google talk in the default directory.

9) Click NEXT

10) Now change the name of the Shortcut to whatever you feel like, Ex googletalk_multiple.

11) Click Finish

Viola, your done :-) Now every time you click the shortcut, a new instance of Google talk starts up, for you to login to as many multiple users as you need to.

Look at the main page of the blog for more on Google & Other Cool Stuff, the link to main page is THIS


Dark_AleX Has decided to quit :-(

Tuesday, July 03, 2007

This is terrible news to the PSP Community. Dark-Alex Has decided to move out of the PSP HomeBrew scene.

This is what he had to say

Bye, scene.

I've decided to cease OE development, and leave PSP scene.
The reasons are various.
One of them is the time it consumes, which i'm losing from other things.
The other is related to my security. I didn't like Sony menaces to PS3 hackers.
I think it is better to leave now rather than end paying the consequences.

It looks like Sony means business. They don't wanna have the Great Ones working on things that they created. It really is terrible. I just hope Fanjita doesn't move out all of a sudden.

I have a feeling the reason why Sony decided to push Dark-AleX to the corner was because, in selling a PSP Sony actually makes a loss on the Hardware & the place they earn revenue is through the games that are sold. With people pirating games rampantly, the work of people like Dark-AleX and Fanjita are getting screwed.

I just hope he decides to come back soon. The PSP Scene is like half dead without him. The other half of the life is Fanjita. I just hope it doesn't turn out to be a completely dead platform.

I still don't get it with,what does he mean by saying " I didn't like Sony menaces to PS3 hackers ". What's with the PS3 Hackers and him ???? The Sony menaces, I guess is Sony trying to bring about a lawsuit against him, but if they had to they could have done it a ong time back. I guess it's with them threatening him. Blast those Japaneese Dorks.

Anyways Thanks a lot Alejandro, the one & only Dark-AleX.

PS: I hope I'm not copyright violating by putting up the Logo of Dark-AleX's website. It's just that I appreciate all that he has done for us & it's a mark of rememberance.

Look at the main page of the blog for more on the PSP & Other Cool Stuff, the link to main page is THIS



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