Dark_AleX Has decided to quit :-(
Tuesday, July 03, 2007
This is terrible news to the PSP Community. Dark-Alex Has decided to move out of the PSP HomeBrew scene.
This is what he had to say
Bye, scene.
I've decided to cease OE development, and leave PSP scene.
The reasons are various.
One of them is the time it consumes, which i'm losing from other things.
The other is related to my security. I didn't like Sony menaces to PS3 hackers.
I think it is better to leave now rather than end paying the consequences.
It looks like Sony means business. They don't wanna have the Great Ones working on things that they created. It really is terrible. I just hope Fanjita doesn't move out all of a sudden.
I have a feeling the reason why Sony decided to push Dark-AleX to the corner was because, in selling a PSP Sony actually makes a loss on the Hardware & the place they earn revenue is through the games that are sold. With people pirating games rampantly, the work of people like Dark-AleX and Fanjita are getting screwed.
I just hope he decides to come back soon. The PSP Scene is like half dead without him. The other half of the life is Fanjita. I just hope it doesn't turn out to be a completely dead platform.
I still don't get it with,what does he mean by saying " I didn't like Sony menaces to PS3 hackers ". What's with the PS3 Hackers and him ???? The Sony menaces, I guess is Sony trying to bring about a lawsuit against him, but if they had to they could have done it a ong time back. I guess it's with them threatening him. Blast those Japaneese Dorks.
Anyways Thanks a lot Alejandro, the one & only Dark-AleX.
PS: I hope I'm not copyright violating by putting up the Logo of Dark-AleX's website. It's just that I appreciate all that he has done for us & it's a mark of rememberance.
Look at the main page of the blog for more on the PSP & Other Cool Stuff, the link to main page is THIS
Dark Alex Was the best.
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