Small Electronic Devices To Run On Power From Body Heat

Monday, August 20, 2007

A group of really cool people have discovered a way to run small portable electronic devices with the help of Human Body heat. Amazing isn’t it ??? I was really astounded when I read about this.

Peter Spies , the Program head has said that this mechanism will not completely remove batteries from portable devices, but rather help in extending the charge of the batteries for a long long time without actually having to visit a electric plug point. Think of it … your smart phones on a recharge would probably last you a week !!!

So how does this mechanism work??

The difference in our body temperature to the outside room temperature is around 4 – 5 degrees typically. This when harnessed would be enough to generate up to 250milli Volts.

Now comes the problem, the typical batteries of portable devices have a voltage range between 1.8V to 3.6V. So how do these guys overcome the limitation of out body being able to produce so little power to what is actually needed?

Well Semiconductors these days has definitely come a long way. These guys have nicknamed their silicon, thermogenerator or something that sounds like that … what this does is that it keeps on accumulating the charge till it reaches a desired level & this is then sent across to charge the device.

So when is this expected in the market? No idea as of now yet … doesn’t really seem to have made it out of the lab yet. But this should be cool once we get to use it.

Anyways thumbs up for these folks, Great work & good going :-)



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